Overview of Integration API

  • Last updated on December 15, 2020 at 4:36 AM

An application programming interface (API) is a code-based specification that allows separate parties to talk to each other without having any previous knowledge or intervention. Sitepass has developed an integration API that provides a solution to integrate the Sitepass system with a third party systems. The Integration API allows third party systems to create and modify any data stored within Sitepass. This specifically refers to data relating to:

  • Sitepass user accounts
  • Sitepass business accounts

The most common clients outcomes achieved using integration API are as follows:

  • I only want the necessary information regarding my users (employees, contractors, etc) from my internal database (i.e. Chris21) to be uploaded and synchronised with Sitepass
  • New users that are created in my internal database should be automatically set up in Sitepass
  • I want to manage user details from my internal database only. That would include adding new, updating existing, and disconnecting users.


  • Complete integration solution
  • Flexible and easily modifiable by the client
  • High levels of data integrity
  • Low error-prone solution


  • The potential for larger development time and cost
  • Custom development will be required
  • Requires prior knowledge of Sitepass and its functionality

Sitepass API

The Sitepass API is organised around Respresentational State Transfer (REST). Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication and verbs.

Our client facing API's are protected by API keys that are specific to your account.


Sitepass authenticates your API requests using your account specific API Key.  If you do not include your account specific API Key when making an API request, or use that is incorrect or outdated, Sitepass will returns an error.

You need to provide your API key in a header property called x-api-key. For example, A CURL request would be

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail. 

Sitepass Domains

To ensure that your integration is always communicating with Sitepass, your integration must be able to reach any of Sitepass’s fully qualified domains for it to function properly. Depending on how your integration operates, you may need to whitelist it.

To help your integration operate securely, it must verify that it’s communicating with the the listed domains.

Sitepass API Domains

Depending on the environment you are trying to access, your API key and domains may vary.

  • Production: api.app.mysitepass.com/external 
  • Beta: api.beta.mysitepass.com/external 

Sitepass Environments

Depending on your Account setup, there are two environments available which are available to receive requests.

Our Beta environment is available to our Enterprise customers and does not contain or effect data on our Production environment.  API keys for the Beta environment should be obtained from your Beta account.

NOTE: Use only your beta API keys for testing and development. This ensures that you don't accidentally modify your live production data.

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